Friday 12 April 2013


 Mining On Top: Africa - London Summit
‘Sharing the profits of the commodity boom’
25– 26 June 2013
One Great George St, Westminster, London, SW1P 3AA
We are pleased to facilitate your participation in the forth coming Mining on Top: Africa - London Summit. It is a forward-looking event, offering access to unique expertise and key industry insight into the social and economic prospects of the continent’s mineral wealth. Key government and private sector delegates, service and solution providers will convene to debate the most pressing business challenges for the mining sector and discuss strategies for the development of Africa’s rich source of mineral resources.

Speakers include:
  • Rt Hon. Clare Short, Chair, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
  • Sir Samual Jonah, Executive Chairman, Jonah Capital
  • Prince Mupazviriho, Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Mines, Zimbabwe
  • Ignacio de Calonje, Principal Investment Officer, Infrastructure and Natural Resources, IFC
  • Tony Hodge, President, International Council on Metals and Mining
  • Mike Soloman, Chairman, Mineral Economics Committee, SAIMM
  • Tony Hodge, President, ICMM
  • Magnus Ericsson, Professor, Executive Director and Co-Founder, RMG
  • Roddy Barclay, Analyst West Africa, Control Risks
  • Andrew Bone, Director of International Relations, De Beers
  • Sheila Karma, Director, Extractive Resources Services, ACET
  • Abel Malinga, Divisional Executive for Mining and Manufacturing, Industrial Development Corporation

Be a part of the discussion on all the major issues:
  • Resource nationalism
  • Developing local content
  • Political instability
  • Resourcing operations
  • South/south links
  • Infrastructure development       
  • Health Training Tertiary Institution - Gulu Municipality
  • Environmental protection   
  • Operating ethically
  • Gaining social license
  • Investor returns     
  • Sourcing equipment
  1. Return Ticket to Westminster London-UK
  2. Visa Fees
  3. Four Days Hotel Accommodation and Breakfast
  4. Access to main event
  5. Breakout session
  6. General Administration
  7. Conference brochure & Work book
  8. Morning and Afternoon refreshments, Lunches and reception during the Event
THE EARLY BIRD TOTAL FEE             -    N550,000.00     ( Expires 24th May 2013)

LATE REGISTRATION TOTAL FEE      -    N650,000.00    ( From 25th May 2013)

  • Above Total Cost does not include any local expenses before the workshop/seminar and any other international expenses after the Summit.
  • Terms and conditions Apply

Contact Us at  Tours Travel Shop now for your booking while offer last.
283, Herbert Macaulay  Way,
Alagomeji - Yaba, Lagos
Tel:  +234 (0)  805-803-1332
       +234 (0)  807-269-0445
       +234 (0)  807-269-0446

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