Saturday 12 January 2013

Travel Tips

Travelling alone to a distant land can be exhilarating especially if you need some quality time alone. It most certainly is a great way to relax, unwind and get away from things for a while. However, travelling alone can be dangerous especially if you're going to a foreign country where you don't know anyone. Things can happen that may deviate from your purpose of travelling and suddenly cut short your vacation. Here are some travel tips to avoid nightmares when travelling to a different country. With this travel guide in mind, you can be able to plan your trip well and; thus, avoid uncomfortable and life threatening situations.
· Know the culture and laws of the country you're visiting. If you're a cigarette smoker for instance, research if it is okay to smoke in public. Also find out the type of clothing worn by the locals and the dress code that's appropriate. There are countries that prohibit women to wear vulgar clothes; hence, it is very important to abide by these laws.
· If you're joining a tour group, take the time to read testimonials from previous tour participants. Read the itinerary and don't hesitate to ask questions. Ask who the other participants are and try to find out if these people share the same purpose as you. Be keen on sharing a room with a stranger.
· Do wear decent and comfortable clothing when you travel. Going to a foreign country wearing skimpy clothing may not be such a good idea as the people there may be different from what you are accustomed to. You don't know what their reaction to your clothing will be most especially if you are a woman. Vulgar clothing like miniskirts and shirts with plunging necklines may draw unwanted attention that can pose a lot of danger to you.
· Do not accept things from strangers. A person that you just met at the airport may ask you to carry his bag. Don't accept even if that person looks nice and decent. Firstly, you don't know what's inside the bag. The person may have stolen something and his crime may be passed on to you. Secondly, the bag may contain illegal items that can lead to your questioning by local authorities.
· Always keep a close watch on your personal belongings. These essential items include your passport, identification, money, credit cards, ATM card, cell phone and many other things that can be a big problem if you lose them. If you often leave your bag on the table of a coffee shop and then come back to find it still intact, don't do this when you're in a foreign country.
· Don't trust anyone when you're alone in a new place. When strangers give you items for no reason, try to be polite but decline the offer. You don't know what his intentions are and they could be bad. Try to get by on your own if at all possible.
· Keep a photocopy of your passport. This is just a precautionary measure if in case you lose your passport. A photocopy may not exactly be an official document but it still contains your photograph, signature and passport number. It's better than none in the event that your passport gets lost.
· Don't place all your cash in one place. Don't keep all your cash in your wallet. Put some in your pockets and leave some at a hotel safe. This way, you will still have money left when your wallet gets lost or stolen.
Visiting a new place on your own can be very exciting but care must be exercised in order to avoid difficult and dangerous situations. Whether you go to Panama in Central American or choose to go to India, make sure you have all your important documents with you at all times. Let the above travel tips help you plan a great vacation. Share this with a friend and let this travel guide contribute to an exciting journey to different places.


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